Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Wow Board

 What exactly is a WOW Board?  It isn’t an acronym for anything–

(not that I know of anyway).

Well, ask any third grader and they will be happy to tell you

about this behavior motivator.

The board is divided into a 10 x 8 grid.  Numbers 1-10 are listed

vertically along one side and the letters A -H are posted at the bottom.

As students go about their day, I give students a camp cash dollar

and announce what the WOW behavior I just noticed the student doing.

The student gets to sign their name anywhere on an open square

on the board.

Behaviors I notice are working quietly, staying focused when there are distractions, or any behavior we need to work on to create a positive learning environment.

Once the board is filled, I use an online spinner that has a section

for numbers and a section for letters. Once the spinner lands on a number

and a letter, the Ranger finds the name on the grid in that coordinate-

incorporating a little math (bonus)

and that child gets $50 camp cash to be used at the end of year auction. 

There are only 6 cash prize winners, but everyone on the board is a winner because they set a great example for the class.

The board gets tossed in the recycle bin and we quickly rinse and repeat!

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