Learning and having fun!
Reader’s Theater
Reader's theatre or Reader’s theater is a style of theater in which the actors do not
memorize their lines. Actors use only vocal expression to help the audience understand
the story rather than visual storytelling such as sets, costumes, intricate blocking,
and movement. Wikipedia
Reader’s theater is a great way for students to practice reading skills like fluency
and comprehension. The students in 2nd grade have been working on expressing
their reading skills and having fun through Reader’s theater. They are not only practicing
their reading skills but they are also practicing their language skills like listening, speaking
and reading for an audience. The students are having so much fun acting out with their
voices how the characters are changing their tones in the story. I know that the students
enjoy doing Reader’s theater because they are already asking me “When are we doing
another one again?”. I always take in consideration what the students like so I can incorporate
their interests in future lessons. That way I know that they are going to be engaged because
is something they are interested in.
Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform, used as educational technology in schools
and other educational institutions. Its learning games, "Kahoots", are multiple-choice
quizzes that allow user generation and can be accessed via a web browser. Wikipedia
In 6th grade the students had to do research about a particular habitat of their choice and
make a slideshow about the location, climate, temperature, animals and plants in their
habitats. After they presented their habitats to the group the students had to make a Kahoot
activity. In this particular activity the students had to use what they learned about their
habitats to make questions and test how much we learned from their presentations.
The students had to make 10 questions with multiple choice answers so that we could
choose based on the information presented on the habitat’s slideshows. All the students
really enjoyed testing their classmates on topics that they were experts on. Kahoots are a
fun way for students to test themselves on what they learned and what they need to review.
Also Kahoots are a good way for students to practice and formulate questions based on their
topic and audience.
Strange Plants
In 3rd grade we are reading about Strange Plants that for some reason are a little different
that a “normal” plant. The students started by doing a KWL (Know, Want to know, Learned)
graphic organizer about Strange Plants. Our goal was to learn as much about Strange Plants
so we read a couple of books and watch some videos that showed some of the Strange Plants
that we saw in the books. The students had a lot of fun investigating about how some plants
are so different and unique from other “normal” plants like the Venus Flytrap that likes to eat
insects among others. After investigating about different Strange Plants the students had to
choose 3 plants to do a more detailed research and make a poster displaying what they
learned about Strange Plants.
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