Thursday, January 10, 2019

Goodrich Can Square Dance!

This week was all about Square Dance!  Everyone from Kindergarten to 6th grade learned some new moves and dances this week.  

The square dance curriculum I use with all my students is a compilation I pieced together from several Square Dance books as well as information I learned in one of my UNI undergraduate dance classes.  The reason I say that is because I have been teaching at Goodrich school for 7 years now, so that is 7 years of the SAME Square Dance curriculum.  Each year the moves and dances build onto what they learned the previous year. 

With that being said, I have been able to do dances with my upper grades that I couldn’t do my first few years here.  It also seems that I can almost shift everything down a grade level because they are mastering the skills with ease and enthusiasm.  It just comes to show that sticking to one curriculum that builds on itself for a few years can show immense growth with the students.  By the time they get to 5th and 6th grade I am now able to teach more advanced moves and dances.  This year I also did something I have never done before – I put on instrumental square dance music and I did the square dance calling.  The students had no idea what move was coming next and they rocked it!!  (Dr. Kerr, my UNI Dance Class professor, would be so proud!)

I can’t wait to see what we can do next year!

5th Grade does the Virginia Reel

Kindergarten dances to Old Dan Tucker

1st Grade Dancing and Singing along to Shoo Fly

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