Tuesday, May 23, 2017

ABC Countdown

ABC Countdown

     The end of the year is always a bittersweet time for me. As I see how much progress my students have made, I am excited for them to move on to the next grade as they continue to make growth as young people both emotionally and academically. However, I am always sad to say goodbye and cannot help but think - we still had more to do! This year, this is more significant than most. I had a long absence this year due to an extensive injury and I feel that just as I made my way back into the classroom, the end of the year quickly appeared.  To help make the end of this school year exciting, rewarding, and still academic, we decided to celebrate the last 26 days with an ABC countdown.
     Starting with the letter A back on April 28th, we’ve celebrated each day with the next letter of the alphabet. On that first Friday, we simply introduced our plan by gathering all third graders together and inviting them to be “All In”  for the 3rd grade countdown. We continued with Buddy Reading Day, Comfy Day, Dress Up Day…
     The students have become excited about the end of the year and this is the first time in many years that I have been able to keep my students on task with little effort this close to the end of school. Most years, students are “checked out” and ready for summer once the warm weather hits. This year, however, they have been asking to do our work outside when we’ve had a sunny day or complete their work on the floor in a comfy spot in their PJs! This concept of counting down has helped eliminate the end-of-year burnout both students and teachers often feel this time of year. It also has kept the students engaged in their lessons and eager to complete work, especially when we’ve had the opportunity to work with both third grade classes together.

Game Day
     As always, I will be proud of my students as they move on to fourth grade; more mature, more knowledgeable than when I started with them in the fall. I think I will also be filled with sadness that I didn't get more time with them! But we are enjoying our last days together and making the most of our time in third grade!


Game Day

All in
All third graders will learn about the ABC Countdown.
Buddy Reading Day
Bring in your favorite book to share with a buddy.
Comfy Day
Wear comfy clothes and we will pick comfy spots to work.
Dress up Day
Wear fancy clothes today.
Extra Recess Day
Students will have an extra recess.
Field Day
Students will participate in the all-school field day in the afternoon.
Game Day
Students can bring a board game to school.
Happiness Day
Make someone else happy today.
I Can Sit By A Friend Day
Sit next to a friend today.
Jersey Day
Students can wear their favorite jersey to school.
Kick Off Your Shoes Day
Be sure to wear socks! You will be able to take your shoes off in class!
Letter Writing Day
Students will write a letter to the students coming into third grade.
Mismatched Day
Be sure your clothes DO NOT match today!
No Number Day
Students line up in any order.
Outside Day
Students will do work outside today.
Pajama Day
Wear comfy PJs to school.
Quiet Day
Bring a pillow so you can do work in a quiet spot in the room.
Reading Day
Be sure to have lots of books today – we will be getting some AR points!!
Stuffed Animal Day
Bring your favorite stuffed animal to school – be sure it FITS in your backpack!
Team Day
Students will pick their teammates for the day!
Wear red, white and blue today.
Video Day
Students will watch a fun video.
Walking Day
Students will take a walk outside today (weather permitting).
X-change Autographs Day
Exchange signatures with all third graders.
Year-End Clearance Day
Bring a bag so you can clean out your desk and locker.
Zoom Out of School Day
Last day of school! Have a great summer and don’t forget to read 20 minutes every day!


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