Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Ipads in the Puppy Pound

Presenting the amazing…..OSMO

Coming back to school from having a spring break is often tough to do so what a great way to welcome the kids back with some new gadget.  A big thanks to Mrs. Sayre our librarian techie who offered to introduce this to my class (and me).

One of the activities OSMO provides is to build words--a skill first graders need!  To make this a center that the students would be able to run independently, Mrs. Sayre had the students set up the system straight out of the box.
TAA DAH!  That was easy!

Once the directions were explained--split the cards into a red team and a blue team.  Once a picture is displayed, slide letter cards under the red camera.  If it is the correct letter, it stays with the picture, if it is incorrect, it moves to the top.  
Students were ready to try out this new learning device!

Students had to think about the sounds they hear in the word so they don't lose a point for a wrong letter given.
Silent letters can certainly stump us first graders!

We learned a new device to practice making words, we had fun with our teammates, we helped each other when we got stuck, and celebrated when we were successful.  
Today was a win....if you don't count all the letters that fell on the floor while we were playing the game! Ooops!

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