Tuesday, September 22, 2015

New Math Routines

New math routines in classrooms are helping lower the Math Anxiety. Teachers in the building are exploring Guided Math.  Guided Math is similar to Guided Reading in that the teacher puts the students into pairs or small groups and the students work on specific standards being taught in stations around the room.  These math groups provide students an environment in which they are afforded the opportunity to work independently to build Math skills, concepts and strategies through the use of teacher directed tasks and work stations.  Math stations encourage students' independence and increases enthusiasm for learning by giving students opportunities to work together, and talk about math. When students work in small groups, they are more likely to try different approaches to problem solving. 

While students are at stations the teacher meets with small group of students for the purpose of assessing student growth and development.  

What does a day in Guided Math look like?

The day can vary between teachers and grade levels.  Teachers at Goodrich are exploring a couple different options:

1.      15-20 minute- Whole Class Lesson Introduction followed by 2 rotations of work stations.


2.      Three 20 minute stations with one center being teacher giving a mini lesson to a small group and two other stations.

Stations vary from games, technology, fact practice, or problem solving

Students are excited to learn math in small groups helping them master topics and reinforce their learning. 

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