Monday, September 21, 2015

Education and Technology

Education and Technology

"At the heart of effective technology integration, technology offers opportunities to be more actively involved in the learning experience,” says Vanessa Vega, Edutopia research analyst. With the availability of grade level Chrome Books and carts of iPads at Goodrich school, our sixth graders have had daily exposure to technology in the classroom.

Technology and engagement go hand in hand. By using websites like Kahoot, Mentimeter, and Plickers, students are able to display their understanding of topics in a fun and engaging way. These activities provide students the opportunity to receive immediate feedback. It also gives teachers the chance to evaluate the level of understanding and make instructional decisions based on the results.

Practicing math facts, defining words, and taking quizzes have shifted from paper-pencil to using technology for the same outcome. The more exposure students have to technology, the stronger their technological skills will become. These skills are invaluable in a world so driven by technology. Our use of technology in the classroom has enhanced student engagement, provided immediate feedback to students, and helped create ownership of their learning.

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