Thursday, March 5, 2015

What is B.O.B.?

Recently, the third through sixth grade students were invited to join the Battle of the Books. This is a program where students read from a prescribed list of books. Each student reads four to six books from the list and then they do "battle"! The battle consists of teams going head to head in a competition to answer as many comprehension questions about the books as they can within one hour. The team who has the most correct answers is deemed the champion and their names go on a plaque in the hall. They then go to a district level battle where they compete against other schools for fun. This year a fifth grade team won the battle. 

The Battle of the Books is fun, challenging and pretty hard. It's fun because you make great teamwork skills and you could be with your friends. It's challenging because you have to read a lot of books. Duh! It's Battle of the Books! And you have to remember a lot of things about the books and that is what I like about the Battle of the Books.
by Chris

People ask me, "What is BOB?" I say the same answer. "It is a group of eight (or less) people who read specific books. Your team and you will be quizzed and you will also have to memorize authors. It's a scary thing, but if you lose don't beat yourself up. It's not abot winning, it's about friendship and lots of team work!"
by Kassem

My teammates and I are always being bombarded with the same question by many people. "How in the world did we choose who should read what book?" The answer is the same every time. "Nobody picked our books for us. We chose our own. So we aren't forced to read anything we did not want to. So that made it fun for me and my team and a lot of the books were a lot of fun to read!"
by Carter

I'm going to tell you how we memorized all of the authors. We used little tricks. Here are some examples. The book was What's the Big Idea, Ben Franklin by Jean Fritz. In the book he gets frizzed by the metal on the kite in the sky. The author's name is Fritz.  Another one is Boxes for Katje by Denise Fleming. My friend, Georgia read the book name wrong and the author, too. She said flaming. It is kind of harsh, but to remember it we said Flaming Katje.
by Abby

The practice was hard for the team. We talked so loud and sometimes we were awesome. We had some warnings about how loud we were and sometimes we weren't practicing at all, but we tried to get through all of the questions.
by Chase

The school battle was interesting. There were eight teams of eight. My team was Carter, Abby, Georgia, Kassem, Chris, Tiff, Chase and me, Rylee. We were team 4. The battle started and every team was doing fabulous! Nobody got any questions wrong in the beginning. Then we got into the middle and that's when I knew the battle really began. It was a close battle. It came down to two teams. Our team and another fifth grade team. If we got a question wrong, they got a question wrong. If they got one right, we got one right. It was the end of the battle and that is when we found out who had won. Team 4 had won!! Even  though team 4 won, the other team was very polite and congratulated us.
by Rylee

If people ask me "How was the District Battle?" I would respond the same way. "Really fun!" You have to work really hard to get to the district battle. You have to read a lot, but it exposes you to all different kinds of books from fairy tales to survival stories. Once you gt to district you get to meet all different kinds of teams. It was fun getting to meet them and you might even see people you know! You get to have pizza and a cookie for lunch. Even though you have to read a lot it was all worth it!
by Tiff

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