Tuesday, November 4, 2014

A Writing Celebration!

Now that first quarter has come to an end, the fifth graders are putting the finishing touches on their own personal narrative.  Throughout the quarter, we have focused on small moments.  The students have learned that a powerful story isn't necessarily born from big experiences.  Sometimes a seemingly unimportant moment in our lives can turn into an impactful story.

From the beginning of this unit, we made it very clear to our students that they had a purpose for writing their stories.  They were going to become a published author!  What could be better than that?!  The students spent many weeks editing and revising their stories.  The stories were going to be celebrated and shared with their first grade buddies!

This culminating project has multiple benefits.  Not only does it give the fifth graders an authentic audience, but it also gives first graders a glimpse into their future as a writer. 

We are currently in the final stages of the publication process.  This week, the students are typing their stories and adding illustrations.  The students are proud of their work, and they should be!  They have worked hard all quarter writing powerful personal narratives.  They deserve the celebration next week when they get to read their stories to their buddy, their biggest fan!

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