Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Will You Be My Friend?

 In preschool, children are learning how to make and keep friends.  According to a very official survey completed by our preschool students, a friend is a person, someone you play with, someone who makes you happy and you like to help each other.  While making and maintaining relationships is an important life skill, making friends is a necessary process guiding children’s development of social skills, respecting differences, sharing, taking turns, listening and enhancing their quality of life.  Making friends is important work!  

During the Friendship portion of our Beginning of the Year Unit, children will learn how to take turns, discuss how they know that another child was their friend, and what friends like to do together.  Through our stories, children see examples of characters who have positive relationships, have conflict with one another, and how to kindly resolve the conflict while maintaining their friendships.  As children get older and continue to build quality friendships and relationships, these skills benefit their mental health by having a sense of belonging, encouragement, companionship, stress relief and many other emotional supports that help to bring happiness to their life.  So not only are good friends treasures,  they are a necessary part of life.

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