Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Throwing Discs a.k..a. Frisbees!

P.E. is off and rolling with greased wheels!  We have done so much already this year!  From Team Building games and stations to Cooperative Games.  We are now kicking off the Frisbee Unit for my 3rd-6th graders, Throwing &Catching with 1st-2nd, and Kindergarten is working on all kinds of Locomotor Movements, Personal Space, and Cooperative activities.  

We start the Frisbee Unit with playing games that focus on Throwing to/at a target.  Then we will move into a "backyard game" called Kan Jam.  After Kan Jam, the Goodrich Country Club will be open for some Frisbee Golf followed by Ultimate Frisbee.  

The kids have always loved these activities and I try to add little twists or different challenges each year as they get older. 

We always start the year in the gym, but I know the kids and I are both excited to start heading outside for P.E.


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