Friday, August 23, 2024

Kicking Off the School Year with Creativity and Connection

What a GREAT first week back to school! The beginning of the year brings a mix of emotions: excitement for a fresh start and a bit of sadness as summer comes to an end. Despite these feelings, the 5th graders have adjusted well and have had a fantastic time getting to know each other and our classroom.

We kicked off the week with several get-to-know-you activities designed to help students connect with their classmates. One of the first activities we did was read The Day You Begin by Jacqueline Woodson. This powerful book tells the stories of characters who sometimes feel like outsiders because of their home language, skin color, or the food they eat. The students quickly grasped the key message: everyone is unique, and that’s what makes each of us special. We created a circle map to explore two main questions: “What is your story?” and “What makes YOU special?” To learn about each other, the students participated in a “stand up, hand up, pair up” activity, where they shared their circle maps with different classmates.

Another highlight of our week was the "All About Me Sculptures" activity. Students were given prompts and questions that they answered by shaping pipe cleaners into different forms. Each shape and color represented a different aspect of who they are. The goal was for each student to create a sculpture that reflected their unique personality and experiences. The classroom buzzed with creativity, and the final sculptures were as diverse and unique as the students themselves. To wrap up, students participated in a round-robin at their tables to share their sculptures and some interesting facts about themselves. They then had the chance to share out some fun facts about their teammates with the whole class. 

It’s been a joy to see the 5th graders begin to bond with one another, and I’m excited to see how our classroom community continues to grow.



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