Saturday, May 18, 2024

Field Day!

The end of the year is such a bittersweet time for 6th graders. They are looking forward to summer and going to Junior High next year, but have a hard time with the fact that their time at Goodrich is coming to an end. Today was one of the events they will miss after leaving Goorich- FIELD DAY! Our PE teacher, Mrs. Weber, does such a fantastic job planning fun games and activities for all grade levels. Everyone looks forward to this day and it's so nice to see the kids have fun together at the end of the school year. I asked some of the 6th graders what they enjoy most about Field Day and this is what they said...

"My favorite thing is all the games we get to play, cooling off in the water activities, and spending time with friends outside."

"I enjoy all the fun games that Mrs. Weber plans for us and hanging out with friends and teachers."

"My mom being able to help each year."

Field Day was a HUGE success this year. Students, teachers, and parents all had such a fun time. Thank you to Mrs. Weber for planning such a great day!! 

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