Wednesday, May 8, 2024

"Shark Tank": Exploring Enthusiasm

Throughout the school year, fourth graders have learned more about the 24 character strengths during our SEL (social-emotional learning) time. Recently, we delved into the character strength of enthusiasm.

4th graders learned that enthusiasm means feeling excited and energetic about life, leading the people around you to feel the same way. In other words, it is an infectious energy that propels us forward, driving us to reach our goals. 

To practice enthusiasm, students took something as ordinary as a pool noodle and transformed it using their creativity. In groups of 3-4, fourth graders became entrepreneurs, tasked with inventing a new and innovative use for the pool noodle. In addition, groups had to craft a compelling "pitch" fit for the high-stakes arena of Shark Tank. Before groups began, students watched clips of children their age who successfully pitched an invention to the real sharks on Shark Tank.

Throughout this project, practicing enthusiasm played a pivotal role. As students brainstormed, found inspirations, and refined their pitches, I watched their enthusiasm strengthen. This wasn't just about creating something cool; it was about believing in the power of their ideas, as well as believing that anything is possible. 

Their pitches were nothing short of spectacular! Each group brought their A-game, showcasing their inventions with passion and plenty of enthusiasm. In fact, the "sharks" were so enthused that offers were being thrown out to the entrepreneurs! 

The most amazing part of this project was seeing how enthusiasm brought my students together as a team. They cheered each other on, supported one another through setbacks, and celebrated each other's successes. 

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