Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Art with Ms. Huber


As the school year comes to a close, we finally have some art on display in our display case right by the front office!

These are a few artworks created by our fourth graders and sixth graders!

Fourth grade used cardboard, paint, and drawing materials to create a Minecraft inspired pixel self portraits. They also created a frame to display it in all out of cardboard.

Sixth grade used cardboard, plaster strips, and paint to create shoe sculptures. I shared with them different clothes and shoes I customized over the years to inspire them to make a one of a kind shoe. 

As a whole school, we started with drawing, moved on to painting and ended the year with sculpture... 
I now have learned that maybe next year I need to change things up a little bit so we get some art on display in this case sooner! 

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