Tuesday, May 1, 2018

The Final Days of Art

As we approach the last month of school, students are as busy as ever finishing up their final projects in art. It is hard to believe students only have 3-4 art days left until the end of the year. With these final days, first grade students are working on combining architecture with pattern to create wooden houses on paper. They explored different types of houses and apartments, and brought their previously taught skill of creating pattern to create their own house design.

Second grade students finished patterned paper weaving and are currently focusing on creating form and pattern with various 3 dimensional paper sculptures.

Third graders are learning how to weave, and have chosen to weave mini rugs, cellphone cases, purses, wallets, and pillows.

Fourth grade students just finished creating a work of art showing radial symmetry with their choice of media and subject. Some did weavings, some made sculptures, some created drawings, and some did paintings.

Fifth grade students are finishing up their water color paintings and beginning an architecture project where they choose a famous building to read about, write about, and recreate with any art media they have learned this year.

Sixth grade has been exploring technology by designing 3D roller coasters on Tinkercad which are currently being 3D printed. They are now working on stop motion animation. Students take pictures of their moving artwork on Ipads and transfer them to WeVideo to create a mini music video. Videos will be shared when they are finished for your viewing pleasure.

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