Tuesday, May 1, 2018

We're All in This Together

We’re All In This Together!

As a school, Goodrich has chosen several community service projects to help the students understand the meaning of giving of time and talents for others whom may be less fortunate. Third graders found Our Children’s Homestead, an organization devoted to helping young people find stability and safety even after facing difficult challenges, such as medical, mental, or behavioral issues. These children are often hard to place in foster care and/or permanent homes.

            Our Children's Homestead

Students decided the best way to help these children would be to make blankets for them that they could keep when they finally were moved into a forever home. The easiest way to make a blanket is to cut and tie pieces of fleece. While this may seem to be a simple task for some adults, it was a welcomed challenge for third graders!

First, students got into teams to work together to get the job done. They placed the two pieces of fleece on top of one another and using a ruler, the children cut strips equal distance apart in both pieces of material. The first challenge they faced was noticing that their pencil lines were not visible on the black fabric we were using! As a team they decided a white colored pencil would work a lot better!

Once the cutting got started, they quickly realized that third grade school scissors was not going to “cut it”. So, several children went around the school gathering up as many “teacher scissors” as they could find.

Finally, the children had to tie a double knot with each pair of strips of fabric. A yard and a half of fabric has A LOT of knots! While working together, the students were able to help each other out and the conversations among them was very encouraging.

The students are looking forward to meeting, the director next week when she is scheduled to come and discuss some of the details of this worthwhile organization. That’s when the children will really be able to see their hard work and kind act affecting others.

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