Wednesday, May 11, 2022

 Lions, Tigers, Bears, and Research

Third graders are well into our second informational reading unit. This unit focuses on using the students’ knowledge of informational text structures and familiar text features to formally research an animal they are interested in. They have had the opportunity to read and take notes on various animals over the past few weeks, and now they are researching one specific animal using various sources.

From start to finish, students have taken ownership of their own learning. They created research folders to use as they gather information. These folders have proven helpful in keeping track of the details they find and organizing the information into the correct subtopics. 

With the nice weather suddenly appearing, we worked outside to complete some of our research. Since some of the students were working on the same topic, they were able to research together. Sometimes, two minds are better than one!!

Once the students have completed their research, they will be creating their own slideshow presentations to share with the second graders. By having an authentic audience, students take their responsibilities even more seriously. I'm looking forward to seeing the final products.

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