Friday, February 9, 2018

We interrupt this blog due to ......

...A SNOW DAY!!!!  I don't care how old you are, getting the call that school is cancelled because of snow--- never gets old.  For me,  a snow day is like winning the lottery (well, sort of...) without actually buying a ticket.

I WAS going to to write about all the ways we get moving in our room when we are stuck indoors because of bad weather....

Like Crossing the River.  The class divides up and stands on either sides of the room.  They "cross the river" or move to the other side of the room, if they can answer yes to the questions that I ask. 
Cross the river if you lost a tooth.
Cross the river if you had a sleep over.
Cross the river if you went to the movies.
Cross the river if you built a snowman,

I WAS going to write about how we did a team building activity where each table tried to keep a balloon in the air while holding hands and staying in a circle.  Applause for me, for not having to send anyone to the office for an ice pack.

I WAS going to write about when we did yoga after indoor recess(*sigh) to bring down the level of excitement and the cabin fever from being in the same room all day.

I WAS going to write how we took a movement break during Social Studies by sharing our family Venn diagram in pairs.  Pairs found other pairs to share their findings.

I WAS going to write about one of my favorite movement activity that I do several times a day,  I shout (in my teacher voice) ROOM RESCUE!  and we have 1 minute to get all the scraps, markers, pencils, glue, coffee cups, the floor and back in our seats before the timer goes off.

So instead, because it is a snow day... I'm going to sit on the couch and hang out with Earl... and watch the snow fall...

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