Thursday, February 22, 2018

Just how slow do changes on Earth happen?

In Science, we have been learning about changes on Earth. We have experimented
with weathering and erosion and how they cause slow changes to the earth’s surface.
We have looked at how water, wind, ice and even plants causes these changes.
But just how slowly can these changes take? We think we have an idea,but
let’s give it a try! Students were each given a small rock and a piece of
sandpaper. Students discussed with their teams what they noticed before
they started. They used the sandpaper to scrape the rock to observer the
changes. They used the force of their hands to represent how the wind blows
and grinds sand/dirt against rocks outside. During the process they talked
about any changes that were taken place.

Many of the students were surprised that the rocks didn’t make that
much of a change, even though they saw the small particles being
forced off! This lead into a discussion of looking at pictures of the
Grand Canyon and other rocks! Students were able to see that it
took many, many years for them to look like they do!!!

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