Tuesday, October 3, 2017

The Power of Exit Slips

Each day in math, students are working on a skill to help them reach our learning target. In our classroom, students complete a rotation that allows them to practice in a structured small group, with the teacher, and on technology.

In order for me to check individual understanding of the skill worked on, we end math each day with an exit ticket. The question on the exit ticket aligns with what we worked on in class and gives me feedback on each student’s understanding. Once students work through the problem, they self-assess themselves and their level of understanding. They place a sticker on their paper to give me feedback on how they are feeling about the concept. The exit tickets allow me to group students for the following day in math class based on needs and also to have conversations with students about trouble spots.


In order to provide the students with feedback, the following day we do an activity called, “My Favorite No”. In my own handwriting, I rewrite a common misunderstanding that I noticed while checking the exit tickets. We analyze the work to share what was done well and to find what needs to be fixed.

There is so much value to this part of our day in math. It gives me very valuable information about each student and it is a great way for students to clear up any confusion that they may have before moving forward.

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