Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Haunted Obstacle Course = Fitness is Fun!

Happy Halloween!

Something I like to do with my classes is incorporate holiday themed games or activities into my lessons throughout the year.  So... as Halloween was quickly approaching I had always wanted to do a Haunted House.  I know other P.E. teachers who have done something like this with their students, and now it was my turn to try it!  But... how could I make it related to P.E.?  Well - for one it is an extremely aerobic activity.  We had to use spatial awareness and body control while moving around the course.  Plus, I also incorporated an underhand throwing skill, fitness skills, locomotor patterns, and balance.  
It went great!  The kids were so engaged which then resulted in red, sweaty faces!  They were obviously working hard.  Plus, they kept asking me if they could do this everyday.  So not only did I see physical results that they had MVPA (moderate to vigorous physical activity) but they were verbally expressing their enjoyment in the activity.  I will however, keep this is a special Halloween treat, but you never know what I will come up with next... (evil laughter!)



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