Sunday, May 15, 2016

What To Expect in PE Class

The month of May has brought some changes to PE class at Goodrich School. The students have started a new unit, and they were also introduced to their substitute PE teacher.

The students have transitioned into a soccer unit that started last week, and will end right before Memorial Day weekend. This past week, the kids practiced dribbling and passing, and learned the difference between the two skills. They practiced dribbling by kicking a soccer ball back and forth with the inside of their feet, and passing by using the inside of their feet to aim at their target. They then were able to play different types of soccer games such as Shark Attack, Crab Soccer, and 3 Ball Soccer, that all emphasized those skills. Unfortunately due to rain we had PE inside twice last week, but the kids still brought great enthusiasm which made the classes fun no matter the weather conditions.

In PE class this week we will continue to incorporate passing and dribbling into different types of soccer games, and also include more shooting into our games so the students get to use as many soccer skills as possible. Going into Memorial Day weekend and then the last week of school, students will be playing some of their favorite games from this past year.

On a final note, all students are already aware that Mrs. Weber will be gone for the rest of the school year to take care of her newborn baby. During these last few weeks, I am grateful to have the opportunity to work at a wonderful school, in a community I have lived in my whole life. I am confident this experience will only help me as I pursue a future in Physical Education, and I hope the kids enjoy being in class with me.

Chris Shamet

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