Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Breaking News: We Have Geniuses in 5th Grade!

This past week, our fifth graders began participating in the highly anticipated Genius Hour. As you may know, Genius Hour is a time in which students are encouraged to pursue their passions and test their creativity. During this time, we have chosen to focus on STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) activities. Our students are beyond thrilled about this idea and are very much looking forward to diving in deeper!

So what do we mean by STEM Genius Hour? Well, in the coming weeks, our fifth graders will be slowly introduced to several activities and concepts within the content area by our LRC director Mrs. Sayre. This week, we practiced with circuits and even powered electrical currents through the use of vegetables and fruits. In the coming weeks, the students will also be provided with several challenges for which they need to develop innovative solutions. Our hope is that these engaging introductory activities help to inspire our students when it comes time to create their own projects. This is a time where students are encouraged to think outside the box. While one student might be developing a product prototype, another might be engineering a solution to an everyday problem. We know that there is no limit as to what our students can do. Keep an eye out for some WORLD changing creations coming out of fifth grade!

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