Thursday, November 19, 2015

IAHPERD... What? A professional conference??

I am fortunate enough to get the opportunity to spend the next two days at the IAHPERD State Convention.  (IAHPERD = Illinois Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance) 

I hate not being at school and away from the kids, especially right before a week long break, but the benefits I get from attending this convention MORE than outweigh the downfall of being away!!

This professional conference gives me numerous tools I can bring back to my classes and use with my kids.  All day long I am learning new games, activities and dances; plus learning about different resources, tools and apps that I can use.  I also get the opportunity to meet P.E. teachers from across the state to add to my professional contact list.  And lastly, I get the chance to collaborate with my Woodridge 68 P.E. team!

I am truly blessed to be in a job I love, at an amazing school, but just like any human, you need to be “revitalized” at some point during the year and this conferences is my golden ticket every time!  I can’t wait to get there and I leave with so many ideas going through my head on what to work into my classes, that I usually can’t sleep at night!

So… if you’re ever wondering why your child’s teacher is attending a professional conference or is out of the building for a couple days, remember all these reason I just listed.  We come back excited and ready to share new things with the kids!

Have a great break Thanksgiving break!

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