Monday, February 23, 2015

Third Grade LOVES to Write!

Third Grade LOVES to Write!
By Mrs. Litwiller
The title of my blog says it all.  Third Grade loves to write!  We have learned many different strategies to make us strong, effective and exciting writers.  Students in third grade have embraced our new writing program and grown into quite the young authors.  This quarter, we are learning about crafting opinion pieces.  One of our activities focused on noteworthy people, places or things in the school and helping other people see their beauty.  Below, two students shared their opinion of two staff members they think are beautiful and noteworthy.

Third Grade Opinion Writing
By Palwasha and Emanuella
Hello!  My name is Palwasha and my partner’s name is Emanuella and we love writing!  We love writing because it lets us express our feelings about someone or something.  It is SO COOL to write fantasies, fairytales and nonfictions.  It sometimes lets you think you are in the story.  Writing is your own personality and you get to add your own ideas to make it exciting.  We want you to write because we want you to feel the event of writing.  This is one of our experiences with writing:

Mrs. Counihan
By Emanuella
Mrs. Counihan is an amazing teacher because she is fun and she lets us expose our feelings and she gives us some clues.  She lets us come up with our own ideas for anything we are writing.  She also gives us good ideas for any assignment.  One time she even helped us with a math assignment with the iPads!  She is mostly a writing teacher.  She’s the best!!!

Ms. Lisa
By Palwasha
Ms. Lisa is a great assistant.  She helps in the cafeteria at lunch.  Ms. Lisa is always there when we need it.  Sometimes she is really funny.  She helps us with things like opening bottles or fruit.  She is amazing and she always gets the job done. So this is why I think Ms. Lisa is a great assistant!  Ms. Lisa is #1!!
***Thank you, Palwasha and Emanuella for your contributions to our blog. J***

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