Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Turning Games into Learning

 Students in 1st and 2nd grade have been learning all about instruments of the orchestra and how they are grouped. The four groups, or families, we have been focusing on are the Brass, Woodwind, String and Percussion families. We have studied all about what characteristics make each instrument unique and how that leads to their family identification. 

To start we went on an instrument safari where we located all of the instruments that were scattered about the wilderness and reunited them with their families on the orchestra stage. Students had to learn about each instrument and their characteristics in order to find them and had such fun playing the games to rescue them. 

Next we played matching, memory and coloring games to internalize our new found knowledge. Now we are working in learning centers to quiz each other on the characteristics, names and families of each of our new found instruments. The only thing left for us to become experts is to identify the instruments and families by listening to their unique timbres and sounds. 

Below, you will see some images of the students enjoying our games in centers.

Spin and Pick

Rock, Paper, Scissors; Around the World

Flick the Eraser

Spin and Pick

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