Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Making History Matter

In our classroom, we’ve been on a journey through history, uncovering the inner workings of our government and its connection to major historical events. Over the past few weeks, our focus has been on understanding how the three branches of government work together, rather than functioning as separate operations. By exploring real-world examples, students gained a deeper appreciation for the balance of power and the collaboration necessary to run our government.

We then transitioned into an exploration of the Civil Rights Movement. We studied how laws were challenged and changed through activism, courage, and perseverance. Key figures like Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks came to life as we examined the important moments that shaped the movement—such as the Montgomery Bus Boycott, peaceful protests, and historic marches. Rather than just reading about these events, students engaged in meaningful discussions, sharing their thoughts and learning from one another.

To show their learning, students created infographics using Canva. This project encouraged them to think about the impact of different people and events on the movement. By combining research with creativity, students took ownership of their learning.

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