Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Let the Game Begin!

As we begin a new year in first grade, it is important that we not only begin to build math fluency, but that we introduce the math manipulatives that we will be using throughout the year. We will use counters a ton this year, so what better way to introduce them than with games! 


The first game I introduced was “Nim”. The rules are simple: players take turns taking 1, 2, or 3 counters from the pile with the goal in mind of trying not to take the last one. When the game ends, all the counters are put back in the middle and the game starts again. 

After a quick modeling round, we were all ready to play! As students began to play with their partners, I could see the wheels turning all around the classroom. This simple game of counting quickly became extremely strategic. Students were counting and thinking out aloud to try not to end up taking the last counter. I was blown away by these thoughtful choices! 

We then gathered back together to learn our second game “Shake Those Disks.” Again we used counters, but this time students need to take notice of how many red and yellow counters they ended up with. Partnerships were given a cup with 10 counters inside and directed to gently shake then pour out their counters to see what combination they ended up with. Students kept track of the different ways they made 10. Many giggles erupted in the room when students kept ending up with the same combination of counters! 

Both of these games help students to build their math fluency while also encouraging them to talk about what they see. I can’t wait to see and hear more of their mathematical thinking as we move through the year! 

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