Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Hip Hip Hooray for the First Day!

Happy 1st Day of School!

Goodrich was buzzing with excitement today as we welcomed back our students after a long and happy summer break. The Goodrich teachers came ready to greet all of the students in their matching green t-shirts to celebrate Gator Pride and a great school year. For those who have been a part of the Goodrich family, we were greeted with smiles, hugs, and a lot of "I missed you's". For those who have not been to Goodrich before, they may have been a little timid at first but have so much in store for them throughout this year. 

In kindergarten, we had such a wonderful first day! We started our day with some coloring and PlayDoh at desks while everyone arrived. Students learned about classroom and school rules while playing some fun get to know you games. A few things we learned about were bathroom procedures, how to walk in the hallway, playground rules, and lunch procedures. Students read What I Like About Me and talked about the things that were special about them and what they liked. Then, each kid drew their self-portrait and wrote their name. This was all we had time for on our first half day of school but we have so many fun things to look forward to. 

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