Monday, January 9, 2023

Find Someone Who- Expectations After Break!

As we come back from a 2 week break, it’s important to have teambuilders, class builders, and fun. It’s also important that we review the expectations we have in our school and classroom. One way we did this in second grade was by doing the Kagan structure, find someone who. During find someone who, students have a paper that looks similar to a bingo card. They mix about the class with their hand up, signaling they need a partner. Once paired up with a partner, their job is to read a question from their sheet and have their partner answer. Whatever they answer, then they record that person's initials in the square. In this case, students would have to answer what that expectation is and how we follow it specifically in our classroom.

Students love find someone who because they are up and moving, and getting to still socialize with their peers while practicing our expectations. Once our time mixing and finding partners was over, I brought the class back together and we went through each “square” expectation as a whole class. I loved this activity and will definitely be continuing this with each year after a break!

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