Thursday, May 16, 2019

Wellness Day

In fourth grade our last unit in writing was informational.
We did research and wrote about topics that were important to us.
We chose our focus to be on living a healthy lifestyle.
Through the hard work of all the fourth graders in my class and
Ms. Bator’s class we learned about a lot of different aspects to maintaining a healthy lifestyle,
from healthy sleep habits to stress relief.

As a group we wanted to find a way to use all that knowledge we gained from our
research to help out everyone at our own school. So we worked hard to create a wellness day for
all the students here at Goodrich.

The students loved taking charge and running their given station. As the day went on they became
more and more comfortable teaching about their topic. What I loved seeing with each new class was
how the students were able to adapt to the different grade levels by making it harder or
easier depending on the grade level.
They were also able to make quick changes to make their station flow better or work more efficiently!
All of fourth grade truly did an amazing job teaching their peers!

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