Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Historical Fiction Book Clubs

After finishing our informational unit on reading history, we dove right into reading historical fiction. Students were split up into 6 groups and given a historical fiction book to read. One of the biggest hurdles when reading this type of fiction is understanding that the story takes place in a different time period. Students typically get confused in this genre because they think the story is happening in the present. However, having this unit follow our unit on reading history helped to decrease some of this initial struggle. Students were prepared to look for clues that would signal a different time period.

So far students have really enjoyed their book clubs. Day after day their conversations are becoming more meaningful and thoughtful. We started by focusing in on characters and now we are able to talk about the theme. It has been so interesting to hear what students share when discussing their text and how careful they are in tracking the timeline of their story. A number of students have drawn attention to symbols in their text that they may have missed earlier in the school year. I can’t wait to see what else students discover as they finish up their books! 

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