Monday, April 8, 2019

Exploring Sound Waves

The past few weeks in science has been a lot of fun for my students.
We have been exploring sound waves. We started off with a question to answer.
We had to investigate how a mother dolphin communicates with their calf.
Through our investigation the students became more and more interested in
how other animals communicate.

We started our investigation first by understanding sound waves and how it works.
We used simulations on our chromes where we can play around with the pitch and amplitude
of different instruments. We then thought about the sound waves that we create and the sound
waves that happen in our school. So I decided that we could take our investigation around the school.
We walked around the entire school and outside to listen, identify, and draw the sound waves.

The students have a lot of background knowledge on sound waves and are now
focused on their own animal and explaining how they communicate between each other. The students
are very invested in their research and exploring how their chosen animal
communicates and why. This has been a great time where the students have been able to take
ownership of their work and apply what they have learned into a project to present to their peers!

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