Friday, April 20, 2018

Do Your Part For Earth Day!

Although this April has started out pretty winter-like, April is a month where plants should begin blooming, the sun should be shinning, and rain should be falling to prepare our Earth for spring.  April is also a month where we take some time to focus on what WE can do to keep the Earth beautiful! There are many things that we can do including picking up trash, planting trees and gardens, and recycling items as much as possible.

In first grade, we did our part to learn about the environment and our Earth through our Scholastic News article. We read about the many pieces to the puzzle that make up our Earth. We learned about the importance of these four categories: the air, the land, water and people!

After a great discussion with the class we decided that there are a lot of things that we can do as kids to help the Earth. Here is a list that the table groups came up with after having time to share with their group.

Later, our Fifth grade buddies joined in on the learning and we designed our own Earth to display outside of our classroom. We worked together to color in the Earth. Then, we talked to our buddy about the list we made earlier. Together we picked the one that was most important to us, and we wrote about what we can do to keep the Earth clean, and what that looks like through a picture. We are proud to hang these up outside our classroom to remind ourselves and others that taking care of the Earth is EVERYONE’S job!

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