Friday, May 24, 2019

Instrument Play

At the end of the school year I love to put together all of the things we have learned throughout the course of the year and let the children show off what they now know. A great way to do this, is to let them use improvisation, (making up the rhythm and melody as you go along, using what you have learned), and classroom instruments to create new melodies and rhythms to well known songs.

We have now improvised to movie songs, such as Moana's "We Know the Way," and Zootopia's "Try Everything," as well as some classic songs like "When the Saints Go Marching In," "Frere Jacques," "Allouette," "Bingo," "The Hamster Dance," and many more. The children have first played along to the beat to get the hang of the instrument technique and then began exploring other rhythms and melodies the instrument can make.

I have truly enjoyed listening to all of the great combinations of sounds they have come up with and can't wait to see them progress further in the coming year(s). We have a truly special group of kids here at Goodrich School and their willingness to try new things is heartwarming. They have developed wonderful musical abilities and done so with great attitudes. Have a great summer and I look forward to all of you returning in the fall!

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