Monday, February 25, 2019

Learning Through Hands-On Experiences

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is the next inquiry unit for the students in my 5th/6th grade science/social studies class. My students thoroughly enjoy hands-on experiences so better way to jump start this unit than by completing a water pollution lab. In the lab the students discovered and determined the best ways to control and monitor water pollution.

Step 1: The students added blue food coloring to their container of water. Unfortunately, there was an "oil spill." The students first tried using a dropper to suction as much oil out of the water as possible.  Then they explored different ways to hold the oil to only one area of the container. Some tools they used to do this were cotton balls, sponges, and paper towels.

Step 2: The students added glitter and plastic pieces into a clear cup, and worked to remove all the pieces of litter from the water with plastic spoons and tweezers.

Step 3: The students added milk to another cup of water. The students shined a flashlight at the water to help them determine how murky water can affect plants and animals in the water

Step 4: Lastly, the students used a coffee filter to pour out the water and observed what waste was left over. The students discussed how to reduce water contamination even in the slightest way. 

The students reflected on the experiment by participating in an activity called the 4C's. As a group the students discussed the connections they made between the experiment and their own life or other learning. We talked about what ideas or assumptions they challenged. The students then discussed the important concepts within the experiment (what ideas they think are important to understand and take away from the experiment). Lastly, the students shared how their thoughts, attitudes, or beliefs changed after the experiment.

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