STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
Every Friday, in Science class, students participate in a trimester long science project which incorporates all areas mentioned above. These projects correlate to the topic in which we are learning about the other days of the week which allow students to use their background knowledge to influence their projects. To complete these projects a website called Defined STEM is used. This website is used as a guiding tool throughout the semester. It provides students with the essential questions they will research, suggested websites and videos to guide research, real-life career videos, as well as prototypes they can create. I love how the students have the opportunity to select a project in which they become most successful.
First trimester we were studying space. Our Defined STEM project was to create a spaceport on Mars, a space shuttle that would get them to Mars safely, or a vehicle that could be used once they are on Mars. The students really had to understand gravitational pull differences between the Earth and Mars as well as the atmosphere on Mars. Below are some pictures of final products of students' work.

This trimester we are studying minerals and plate tectonics through Earth's systems. Our Defined STEM project was to create a dam. The students really had to understand how Earth's systems interact as well as how natural and man-made structures affect the flow of water and erosion. Below are some pictures of final projects of students' work.

I love how engaged the students are on STEM Fridays. I have students who want to stay in for recess or work on these projects when they finish something early because they truly are having so much fun! I am very excited to see the products created in the third trimester.
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