Monday, January 8, 2018

Making Music Concepts a Game

When I first got to school today, it was very quiet in the halls as children and adults alike were beginning to wake up and shake the last two weeks of sleep and relaxation away. As the morning went on and students were reacquainted with their friends, hearing stories of adventure from winter break, the sounds became much louder. This reminded me of some of the great things students in my classroom are doing on a daily basis...

Students in kindergarten and first grade have been learning the difference between loud and soft sounds. To teach what seems like a very simple concept to these young children comes with it's very own set of challenges. In order to truly understand how it works, the students must be able to feel the difference. With that being said, the concept must become a game, to peak their interest and keep them engaged.

In our game, "Snowball's Everywhere," students get to feel the difference between loud and soft while also experiencing the beat of the tune. As we sing, the students toss the snowball, (bean bag), back and forth, in their hands, on the beat very gently when the music is soft. At the end of the piece we shout the word "snow!" and the children have to try and toss their snowball into the snowball eater, (basket), in the middle of the room. This allows them to feel and experience loud and soft and the steady beat. It is a great activity to start off the new year, especially with all the real snow on the ground!

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