Monday, September 18, 2017

The Doctor is In!

Teaching the distributive property to third graders is often a very complicated topic. Students are easily confused with how multiplication can be divided into two separate equations. I recently found the idea of the ¨Distributive Doctor” at and this technique has been a lifesaver!!

First, students created an array using base ten blocks. They have gotten very proficient in arranging their counters into neat rows and columns. In small groups, students worked with me as the ¨Surgeons of the Day¨, equipped with protective face gear and scalpels in hand.

They each chose any way to ¨surgically¨ separate the array into two smaller parts.

Once the arrays were separated, the students recorded the new matching equation and solved the smaller parts before adding them to determine the total product. They absolutely LOVED being the doctors and being able to decide how to break each ray apart. They then compared their two new arrays with their neighbors to see which ones were alike and which ones were different. This helped them to see that the arrays could be broken up in many different ways.

I can't remember the last time my students were this engaged during a math activity! They couldn't wait to get back to meet with me to practice this skill! Best of all, when they had to independently practice the distributive property back at their seats, They all did a fantastic job without even using the manipulatives!


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