Friday, September 2, 2016

It's Okay to Be Different

In kindergarten, we have spent time this week getting to know each other and making connections with our new friends.  We love to find similarities when getting to know people in order to find common interests to discuss.  However, it is important that we also understand that our differences are what make us special.  We just might find that opposites attract as well!

We begun the lesson by identifying how items are the same or different.  Then, we moved on to compare ways that students were the same or different. 
Same: Blue
Different: Marker and Crayon
Same: Boys, shorts, t-shirts, gym shoes
Different: Names, color shirt, color shorts
Same: Circles
Different: Size and Color

Next, we read the book, It's Okay to Be Different by Todd Parr.  The kindergartners did a fantastic job identifying how the characters on the cover were different.  We enjoyed reading the book and learning many ways that people can be different.  It allowed us to learn more about each other, and we were able to share more information about our family, friends, and experiences.  The author, Todd Parr, ended the story with, "It's okay to be different.  You are special and important just because of being who you are."

We finished up the lesson by illustrating our own class book.  I'm looking forward to my diverse group of kindergartners working together and celebrating our differences this year!


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