Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Parks, Playgrounds, and Plans!

 First graders always look forward to College and Career Friday! Yes, the students get to dress in a college clothing item if they so choose, but it is more than just that! We get to explore careers and each year we broaden our collection and really dive into some pretty amazing careers!

This past week we had the opportunity to learn about how playgrounds are designed. Our Career visitor, Mr. Corbett took us through the entire process from dream, written plan, design, shopping for equipment all the way to tear down of existing parks, and of course, the brand new playground.

He shared so many amazing visuals with the class and carefully answered each and every question. He then tasked students to create their own dream playground. (especially since Goodrich’s playground is up for redesign in the very near future.)

The students got right to work and the buzz of excitement was enormous! The students even wore hardhats to completely get into character! 

When they were finished, they had the choice to either take their design home, or to pass the design on to Dr. Scaletta as consideration for the Goodrich playground plans. 

Students in first grade can easily understand the basic career tasks of many different community members, but having the opportunity to learn that some careers are perfect for kids at heart is a pretty neat experience!

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