Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Lighting the Way: Exploring Energy Systems

This year my 3rd/4th grade DEB group is diving into the theme of systems. We started our first unit by exploring energy systems. The students were tasked with a fun challenge right from the start—they had to create their own working systems! They were given a battery, wires, and a lightbulb to create a system that would make a lightbulb shine.

Some groups were successful on the first try, while others hit a few roadblocks. We took time to discuss why some circuits worked and why others didn’t. It was awesome to see how these discussions sparked new ideas and sent the groups back to the drawing board with fresh determination.

Next up, we raised the challenge by having the students create circuits to power a motor. The excitement in the room was high as their motors began to spin!

As we continued, the students explored how to light two bulbs at the same time. They discovered the ins and outs of series and parallel circuits, weighing the pros and cons of each setup. By the end of our circuit-building adventures, the students had a solid understanding of why some systems function smoothly while others... not so much! 

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