Friday, October 4, 2019

Beanie Behavior Buddies

In second grade we love celebrating positive behavior in the classroom. In my classroom we decided to try something different than Class Dojo this school year and the Beanie Behavior Buddies have been a huge hit! Students have an opportunity to earn them for displaying different positive behaviors while at school. When they earn a beanie buddy it sits on their table for the rest of the day and they get a certificate to take home with them to show their family and friends. We have taken time to talk about the different beanie buddies and what it looks like to be showing those characteristics. Three of my favorite to give out are the Challenge Cheetah, Cooperative Cat, and Brave Bear. The Challenge Cheetah is earned when students stretch themselves out of their comfort zone and work hard without giving up when a task is challenging for them. The Cooperative Cat is earned when students work well with their partners or tables. We do tons of partner and table work in our classroom so cooperation is a very important skill to have! This beanie buddy has even been earned by pairs of students or whole tables! Brave Bear is earned when a student does something that may be difficult or scary. This sometimes means a school assignment, but it also could be for standing up for or helping another student if they see someone is having a hard time. 

One of the things I love the most about the beanie buddies is the excitement I see between kids when their classmates have earned one. Never do the kids say “but why didn’t I get one!” They are always cheering for their classmates and congratulating them which is what this is all about! 

The goal with the beanie buddies is that they are connecting doing these great things in school with a positive feeling so they want to continue to do it again and again. Plus, it’s always fun to celebrate the positive things kids do in the classroom!  


Terrifc Tiger was earned      Helping Horse was earned      Generous Giraffe was
for doing terrific work         for helping a friend read          earned making a craft for
on writing!                           their AR test                            every student in the class.


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