Friday, August 16, 2019

Rock, Paper, Scissors

Welcome back! In some ways it feels like we've been gone for so long, and it some ways it feels like we never left. I'm looking forward to another amazing year in 2nd grade!

This week, we spent most of our time setting expectations and getting to know each other. While these are both extremely important parts of the beginning of the school year, having fun and learning to work together are two main goals of mine! One of my favorite activities with students is a Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament. It's not just any old game of rock, paper, scissors, though! To play, you create a curvy path of poly spots, hula hoops, or anything that students can jump to. Players from opposite teams hop on the spots until they meet in the middle, play rock, paper, scissors, and then the winner continues hopping on. Your team wins the game when you have hopped across the whole path and onto the opposing team's side!

I played this game with my class last year for the first time, and it was a HUGE success, so I was glad to see that the second annual 2nd Grade Rock, Paper, Scissors Tournament was just as fun. The best part? Hearing students cheer on their new classmates. I can't wait to see how much fun we have the rest of the year!

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