Friday, May 24, 2019

Exercise in Pre-K!

Preschooler's are wrapping up their final unit of the year, exercise! We have been learning about the importance of keeping our bodies healthy and strong and participating in different forms of exercise. The PM class was super lucky to have a student's mom come in who is a Zumba instructor! The kids had a blast and I was super impressed on how well they all did following the directions and keeping up!

Here are 5 reasons Zumba is a great work out for kids:
5. It improves their coordination
4. It get's their WHOLE body moving
3. It improves their memory
2. It keeps their body healthy and strong
1. It's so much fun!!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you fro allowing me to come in a HAVE so much FUN with the kiddos :)
