Friday, September 28, 2018

A Caring Community

What should a classroom look, sound and feel like? We could ask anyone this question, because everyone who has ever been to school can offer an opinion! In my classroom, I think a classroom should feel safe and caring, and should look like students helping each other, and learning a TON! It should sound like productive noise! Working with partners and teammates is not always quiet…and that is OK!

In order to create this classroom environment, it takes a lot of hard work, practice and participation from the students. We have been using pockets of time between math, science, reading and writing to work together and create this environment together in my First grade classroom. If they help to create it, they will feel more included and responsible for maintaining the environment. 

A large part of this endeavor includes becoming aware of ourselves. Being able to control our brains to focus, control our body to be still as needed, and control our body to move when needed. We have been doing many activities to help us become more self-aware. Here are some awesome pictures from the fabulous learning that has been occurring in my first grade classroom. We can all use some calming techniques, and some refocusing strategies throughout the day to bring ourselves back to center, and get ready to tackle what the rest of the day has in store.


On the left, the students are designing a drawing of a calm place that helps them to relax and focus. You can travel to this calm place anytime you need a little break. You can visualize yourself in this spot, regain your focus, and be ready to tackle the next activity!

Here we have students participating in a compliment circle. They chose a classmate's name from the box, and thought of a compliment for that child. We went around the circle and everyone gave and received a compliment.

Finally, I have students participating in a listening game. They are to listen for a sound, and move their hands once they can no longer hear the sound from the speakers. They had to listen carefully, they could close their eyes if that helped them to focus! 

Special Shout Out to Dan Wolf for some awesome Classroom Building ideas to start out our school year!

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