Monday, August 27, 2018

This past week we launched into our reading unit! My goal is to create a
community that loves to read! We take this time to really get to know students
and about how they are as readers! What kind of books to they enjoy? Do they
feel like they are readers? Who are their favorite authors? Where is their
favorite spot to read? Creating a safe and comfortable reading environment
right from the start helps form an engaged, risk taking and independent
literacy-rich classroom.

We found out about each other as readers. We completed questions about us as readers! We then went around the room seeing how we are alike
 and different from our peers. 

Here we were able to get excited about reading! I was able to share with them 
some of my favorite books like "Good Night Moon" and "I Love you Stinky Face!" 
We shared out some of the great authors and places we love to read! It was fun to 
hear many of them get excited and say things like "Oh me too!!",  
"YES! I love that book, too!", or "I forgot about that book, but it's a good one!" 

Next, we were able to talk about how we are now in 2nd grade we take charge
 of our reading! We pick out books that are just right for us! When they are 
able to pick the book they enjoy they will read more and more!  They learned 
about finding a comfy spot to read! When they were able to pick out a 
book and spot to read they were so much more engaged in their books!
I saw more students doing more "real" reading now instead of "fake" reading! 

One of the last things we did this week was learn how to read with a buddy! 
They loved having time to share their reading with a friend. During this time,
 they are able to practice their fluency, build their vocabulary and overall
 just practice reading! 


I am so excited to see how far they will become as readers! They are off to a great start! 

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