Monday, April 9, 2018

Social-Emotional Learning

Social-emotional learning is such an important part of our daily routines. All across our district we are focused on providing opportunities for students to acquire skills they need to recognize and manage emotions, make responsible decisions, establish and maintain relationships, and work cooperatively with others. Students are given opportunities to learn about and share the strengths that they have and develop a feeling of self-worth.

There are several ways we incorporate SEL throughout our school day. We have class meetings that focus on developing skills for learning, empathy towards others, emotion management, and problem solving skills. Students have even completed surveys to determine their strengths and to allow teachers to monitor students’ feelings about their life in school and at home.

Another tool that we will be using is a program called, Class Catalyst, that will help students identify and manage their emotions so they are ready for learning at certain points of the day.  

Lastly, Dan Wolf, one of our district instructional coaches, has created a SEL calendar for each month with ideas on how to develop these skills in students. The calendar includes various read alouds about topics such as perseverance and diversity, class and team builders, goal setting strategies, breathing and stress management techniques, and fun brain breaks.

A few SEL activities we have done in our classroom:

Class Compliments

Results of strengths assessment

Class Handshake

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