Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Perseverance Pays Off

Perseverance (n) - steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.  

In fifth grade, perseverance has been a recurring theme throughout the school year. We have talked about the importance of having a growth mindset and not allowing ourselves to give up when presented with a challenge.  I have witnessed countless examples of my students persevering through an academic problem or task, but it was not until we went to Covenant Harbor that I saw this practice apply to physical challenges as well.

While on our outdoor education trip, the students had an opportunity to experience situations that they never have before.  They learned to shoot a bow and arrow, determine the skills most necessary to survive, and climb various structures with the end goal unique to each student.  While in the rock climbing room, I saw students mentally and physically stretched to their limits.  One student chose to attempt the most difficult rock climbing wall.  After three attempts that ended at the same spot on the wall, the student listened to the advice of others and pushed herself one more time.  She found a way to get past that spot.  She chose to fight through the struggle, rather than to give up.  

As a teacher, nothing makes me prouder than to see the emphasis INSIDE our classroom show up OUTSIDE the four walls of our classroom, too!

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